Incidents | Number | Number of incidents in selected period |
Incidents | Total Cost | Total incident cost in selected period |
Incidents | Paid deductibles | Total paid deductibles in selected period |
Incidents | Benchmark number | Comparison with average of the company |
Incidents | Benchmark paid deductible | Comparison with average of the company |
Incidents | Implications - Contractual cost | Total incident cost over a full contract period duration |
Incidents | Implications - Compensation turnover | Gross turnover the company needs to generate needs to compensate the incident cost (gross margin) |
Incidents | Implications - Productivity loss (days) | Number of productive days lost due to the incident |
Fuel | Average g/km | Average real g/km CO2 emission |
Fuel | OEM g/km (NEDC) | Average OEM g/km CO2 emission |
Fuel | OEM+ g/km (WLTP) | Average adjusted g/km CO2 emission (WLTP) |
Fuel | Benchmark Average g/km | Comparison with average of the company in selected period |
Fuel | Benchmark OEM g/km (NEDC) | Comparison with average of the company in selected period |
Fuel | Benchmark OEM+ g/km (WLTP) | Comparison with average of the company in selected period |
Fuel | Average l/100km | Average actual l/100km consumption |
Fuel | OEM l/100km (NEDC) | Average OEM projected l/100km consumption |
Fuel | OEM+ l/100km (WLTP) | Average adjusted l/100km consumption (WLTP) |
Fuel | Benchmark Average l/100km | Comparison with average of the company in selected period |
Fuel | Benchmark OEM l/100km (NEDC) | Comparison with average of the company in selected period |
Fuel | Benchmark OEM+ l/100km (WLTP) | Comparison with average of the company in selected period |
Fuel | Implications - Contractual cost | Cost impact between the actual and adjusted OEM consumption (OEM+ = OEM+20%) on full contractual mileage |
Fuel | Implications - Actual CO2 output (tons) | Total CO2 based on actual consumption on full contractual mileage |
Fuel | Implications - Additional CO2 output | Percentage difference between actual and OEM+ consumption |