Training & e-learning | Advanced

Moving to the next level

Our Hazard Perception risk profiles of your drivers will be determined and used to customise the e-training program. The e-training modules are based on a profound approach:


Hazard perception and personalised modules based on what your drivers actually need.

Improve your driver training

  • Understand the problem: a short explanation of the danger and the risk is provided
  • Statistics: figures related to the subject are shown
  • Training: through an interactive video
  • Test with direct feedback: drivers are evaluated on their ability to identify dangerous driving situations and correctly answer a series of safe driving questions
  • The results of this test is a profile of the attitude capabilities and improvement opportunities The results of the Hazard perception test will indicate which modules correspond to the personal and specific needs of your drivers
  • Between 0 and 18 modules can be proposed based on the risk profile mapped – on average 9 modules are selected per driver

The evolution of the training can be easily monitored in the different stages: a clear and complete report with the results is offered throughout the program

Hazard perception example

39 DRIVERS | Average Score = 72.80% 72.8%
71 DRIVERS | Average Score = 64.20% 64.2%

What is it for?

A Hazard Perception test and the corresponding set of modules is the most personalized training approach in the area of e-learning and therefore the most effective one.

All the advantages of the classic e-learning approach are present but the right issues are addressed, solving the weaknesses of that particular driver.

A combined defensive and eco-driving e-training structured on the outcome of the HP test will, for each individual driver, maximise their impact on the environment and safety in general.

The target of 50% reduction of accidents was reached within a large engineering company thanks to their global driver safety program. They also reduced the loss time of their employees together with a reduction of the overhead expenses, repair costs. The driver safety program is the backbone of their safety strategy.​

Advantages for your company

  • Our e-learning program is completely customised to the risk profile of your drivers (e.g. expected minimum score, frequency of the training…)
  • All other advantages of the e-learning are guaranteed
  • Your car policy can be subject to be integrated in an e-learning program, which will ensure you that the Car Policy is known by your drivers and reduce inefficiency due to car policy related issues

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