The Impact of ADAS on vehicle repair costs

By 2030 the Dutch car industry must take into account a 23% decrease in the number of claims as a result of the increase in driver assistance systems in passenger cars, or Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). The required parts are more expensive and the work requires specialist knowledge, which means that the turnover from damage repair will decrease by 9 percent compared to 2018.

4 ADAS features have a major impact

  • Automatic emergency braking system (AEB)
  • Blind spot detection
  • Lane assistance systems
  • Automatic parking

In terms of the turnover potential in the repair workshop it appears four driver assistance systems have a clear impact on limiting car damage and for each of these ADAS the penetration rate has been projected with a low, high and realistic scenario.

Of all new cars sold in 2018, 45 percent were already equipped with an automatic emergency braking system (AEB) and without a mandatory requirement from the (European) government, around 90 percent of all new cars will have this system by 2030.

This results in 11 percent less damage and 5 percent less turnover. Blind spot detection and lane assistance systems each result in a 5 percent decrease in damage and a 1 percent decrease in sales, while automatic parking leads to a 5 percent decrease in damage and a 3 percent decrease in sales.

All this combined leads to an expected 23 percent decrease in the number of claims and 9 percent less turnover for workshops of repair shops.

Development of damage repair potential as a result of ADAS

Damage repair volume compared to 2018
Including price increase parts & calibration


Repair or replacement of ADAS increasingly means that specialist knowledge and skills are required. This is because bumpers, grilles, car windows and other parts are equipped with sensors, radars and cameras that have to be readjusted and recalibrated after disassembly and assembly.

This also requires special equipment. The technology also has an effect on regular work, as (re) mounting a bumper or towbar, or installing a new windscreen, may already require calibration. As with the forecasted developments regarding electric cars, it is also important to delve into this matter with regard to the increase in ADAS for all body repair shops and car companies.

This BOVAG research helps to determine to what extent investments in training and equipment are required or which partnerships can be entered into to prepare for the near future.

Recognition & awareness

Incidentally, the study shows that many drivers aren’t even aware of the presence of driver assistance systems in their vehicle. ADAS are used by many car manufacturers as a marketing tool with their own names, which does not benefit recognisability and unambiguity.

An emergency braking system is called “Active City Braking” by one brand and may be called “Front Assist”, “Active City Stop” or “Automatic Emergency Braking” by others, with different abbreviations and icons being actively promoted.

The systems work largely identically, but can deviate on crucial elements. One system, for example, only slows down, while the other comes to a complete stop if necessary. However, the driver must be able to recognise such safety systems in any car and trust that they function the same. By creating a standard, the driver does not have to read in every time.


ADAS and the impact on vehicle repair costs
  • In the short-term ADAS has barely impacted on turnover, maintenance and repair
  • ADAS does lead to less damage and vehicle repair costs
  • Driver knowledge is & will be key to structurally reduce cost

Further information and analysis

Fleet360, gave an expert session recently for a Link2Fleet session on TCO & driver impact of ADAS for fleet owners.  

Explore the findings:

Dutch Session

French Session

Any questions?

If your company would like assistance with making a business case for investing in ADAS systems starting from an analysis of your accident statistics, or more in general if you want to discuss the advantages and content of a bespoke safety or prevention program, please reach out to us for a chat.

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